6 thg 1, 2012

30+ Examples of Shallow Depth of Field Photography

Written By Namkna on 6 thg 1, 2012 | 12:10

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and furthest object in a scene that appears acceptably sharp in an image. This depends upon three things: aperture setting, focal length and distance between the camera and the subject. The DOF is determined by the camera-to-subject distance, the lens focal length, the lens f-number, and the format size or circle of confusion criterion. It is one of the most creative and profound effects available to photographers.
30+ Examples of Shallow Depth of Field Photography

Examples of Shallow Depth of Field Photos

In cinematography, a large depth of fields is often called deep focus, and a small depth of field is often called shallow focus.
Here we are some amazing pictures using the shallow depth of field photography technique. Hope you will enjoy it!

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